our story

founded by people searching for nutrition proven to help people heal better and stay healthy

mend™’s founders had different health challenges but they all came to the same conclusion: nutrition and prevention is the basis for holistic health. Eziah’s inspiration was his bone fracture that took too long to heal. Whitney co-founded MEND with Eziah because of her strong belief in clinical nutrition. Justin’s frustration was with overuse of pain meds. He called Helene to come up with a solution and she formulated an organic product to manage inflammation and reduce soreness. 

When the founders all came together, mend™ took form, providing solutions backed by evidence and robust science. We work with leaders in healthcare to make trusted, proven clinical nutrition a standard of care and a movement to last in a new healthcare paradigm. Our dedication to helping people live better, more active lives is at the core of everything we do.

Welcome to mend™. We can’t wait for what’s next together.

bringing nature and science together to make it easy for people to feel better and stay healthy on the daily

our values

science backed​

Our science team identifies the most bioavailable sources and leading research for every ingredient carefully formulated for each product.

nature powered

We bring you a natural first approach to healing and living well through nutrition.

physician trusted

Leading hospitals and doctors agree that mend™ is critical to patient care.

for every body

Our products are life ready, kind to your body, and dovetail with your busy life.

our science and leadership team

Kim Biedermann, PhD
Chief Science Officer

Alexa Abdelaziz, PhD

Director, Research & Development

read about our science

trusted by doctors, loved by customers, used by athletes

explore our product reviews

trusted by doctors, loved by customers, used by athletes

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